Radio 586 AZ Roots for 11-23-18, “Revoked”

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Young Sounds of Arizona-Poor Butterfly-THE SEARCH GCC

Chris Doc Stewart-High Fly-PHOENIX Tempest

Jim Pipkin-Wind River Christmas SINGLE ScottLeon

Cadillac Angels-Lonesome Traveler-LIVE BOOTLEG CadillacAngels

Extreme Decibel Big Band-Reachin’ Out-LIVE AT THE ARIZONA BILTMORE RESORT Porcupine

Vicki McDermitt-What a Little Moonlight can Do-TO BELARUS WITH LOVE VickiMcDermitt 

Chevaliers-Rocky Road that Lead me Back to You-THE CHEVALIERS SteveCarter

Tom Brieding-Rivers Rails or Roads-LIVE AT LEAF AND BEAN Amerison

Dennis Rowland-Wild Women Don’t Get the Blues-LIVE AT THE ARIZONA BILTMORE RESORT Porcupine

Tower Of Power & Hughey Lewis-634-5789-RIGSBY TRACKS VOL. 2 Tempest