Radio 586 AZ Roots 12-09 to 12-15-20 show 381 ManPurse album listen live PLAY IT AGAIN, MAN

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Hacksaw Tom interviews Jon Rauhouse and Jerry Donato who together play the whole ManPurse album

Freddie Roulette

ManPurse-Bai Surf-MANPURSE Sonic Pirahna

ManPurse-It’s All Bad-MANPURSE Sonic Pirahna

Jethro Tull-Beggar’s Farm-THIS WAS Island

ManPurse-Drinkin’ on the Job-MANPURSE Sonic Pirahna

ManPurse-Fukushima Rock-MANPURSE Sonic Pirahna From broadcast

ManPurse-London-MANPURSE Sonic Pirahna

ManPurse-Choice-MANPURSE Sonic Pirahna

ManPurse-Wait and See-MANPURSE Sonic Pirahna

ManPurse-My Trash Can-MANPURSE Sonic Pirahna